Share of thoughts

I created this blog to share my life with you. In this blog, I hope to give motivation to you and take encouragement from you.

"Jiayou" is originated from Chinese, meaning to refill petrol in the machine so it works. Whenever we feel tired or disappointed, if people said this word to you. You will feel "energy being refill within you".


Thursday, 5 November 2015

First timer writing blog on my childhood life from birth to 7 years old

Hi, I have been thinking of writing the blog since years back. Unsure of what's stopping me..hmmm..could be my poor command of English?? I did not proceed until now. I decided to open a blog to let go my thoughts, aspiration and ideas and hope to create a platform to let people pour in their happiness and grievance at work, with family as well as friends. There are some situations that you cannot share your thoughts and worries with family members, friends and colleagues. However you really need someone to confide to, be it a happy moment or sad moment. Someone whom you can share the moment to.

Let me share with you my childhood moments from birth to 7 years old.,,
I was brought up by my gugu (a Chinese words to address my dad's sister) since I was just two days old. My mum found me a nuisance because I was crying since I was carried back from hospital. Well she was rather impatient lady then, she sent me to my gugu's house. Guess what..I was sleeping soundly, accompanied by the loud sound from the television..lols. I think I was pretty tired on crying non-stop during my mum's care, there was why I slept so sweet. Since then I was taken care by my gugu and I had received comments from her family members, relatives and friends that I was such a good dependent girl and need not required much attention. In their eyes, I was a sweet and obedient girl, but not to my parents. Some aunties began to badmouth my gugu saying she was ill treating me to my mum. I was not "ill treated" by my gugu, in fact I was youngest in the house and was treated with unconditional love like a princess by her family members. However, she just could not tolerate the gossips and decided to give up her full time job to take care of me and my sister who was under the care of a paid nanny. Since then, my "princess" fate had downgraded to "servant" fate then.

At times, I really salute those people who gossips...and thanks to them. my life has changed...For those who really been attacked by those people with strong invisible weapon "Gossips", You may keep quiet and shun away their nonsensical remark, if you have strong heart to do so. If not, do not just keep quiet if things just get hurtful to you emotionally. Try dating the main gossiper out for lunch or coffee, talk to him or her on why she is making those hurtful unrealistic remarks on you. Sometimes it could be misunderstanding that leads to gossips. Clear unrealistic remarks before the situation gets worsen. Do not flare up to those people, it will make the situation even worse. Gossipers are gangs of people who will team up and show their prowess if they are aroused. Should you have better solution, feel free to share with me :)

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