Share of thoughts

I created this blog to share my life with you. In this blog, I hope to give motivation to you and take encouragement from you.

"Jiayou" is originated from Chinese, meaning to refill petrol in the machine so it works. Whenever we feel tired or disappointed, if people said this word to you. You will feel "energy being refill within you".


Wednesday, 25 May 2016

May 2016 1st Cycle

Today I have a severe pain despite having my stomach wrapping with tourmaline wrap and laying down on the tourmaline bed. I am puzzled why the pain is so uncontrollable that I cannot perform my usual activities. Till I recall something. I ate crabs yesterday. I forbade myself from having cooling food and beverage like tea, oranges or anything that is cold. I forgot about seafood is considered cooling and enjoyed this delicacy so much. I earned myself this miserable moment.

So my advice is not to take cooling stuff before or during your menses, it will be "chaos'. Especially the yummy crabs.

I have menses pain, meaning my baby planning failed again. I gonna jiayou and be motivated.

Thursday, 5 May 2016

April 2016 9th Cycle

Time flies, its time to check ovulation tomorrow. It is like a routine task to do every month. I shall not try to think of hope so I would not have disappointment. Just like nature takes its course. Pointless to exert stress to myself as this is not something that you can achieve by wisdom or hardworking. The only happy moments daily is to love my hubby and be loved by him. See whether I can strike "lottery" this month : ). Jiayou!